Merantau Trailer (SD) from Merantau Films on Vimeo.
Merantau is a movie about young man of Minang who wanders into a big city. As many people has known, young men of Minang have to leave their hometown and take their own adventure.
What I like from this movie is the hero play martial art with karambit, a traditional knive of Indonesia which is well known by knive lovers all around the world. :up:
Can't wait to see the movie! :yes:
Sounds exciting… Hope'll c it too soon…:love:
wah mantep ki mas :yes: our very own Indonesian street fighting -with SILAT- movie….:wizard:
If only they do it eArly…
This is a fabulous Article. Thanks! 🙂
If only more people As creAtive As U… :up: