Herman Saksono, a well known serious blogger from CahAndong.org launched a web application named Cerpenista.com yesterday with a simple but happy garden party located at Wisma Joglo, Yogyakarta. :up:
Cerpenista, in a simple words is a collaborative writing tool. You can start a new story, write some sentences then let your friends continue the story. You can provide guideline but without it would make the story become unpredictable. Very interesting :yes:
I thought it would be a simple party but in fact there are some famous bloggers who willing to spend their time to attend this launching party, made the launching party became greater than my expectation. Just a few to mention, there were Pakdhe Wicak, Pakdhe Mbilung, Paman Tyo, Mas Iman and some dozens more.
After some short introduction from Herman Saksono as the founder and code writter and Paman Tyo as bussines partner, we also performed a live demo of how Cerpenista works. At the photos, shown Pakdhe Wicak, Nining, Zam and Funkshit demoing the application and audience could see the result over the big screen at the left side.
You can see more pics at photo gallery, I'll add more pics later.
Hey, this application is open for public now. Everyone can take a part or create your own story with your own friends. Simply visit cerpenista.com, register and start laughing with friends š
Cheers for Herman Saksono :cheers:
Nice. I'll try it.
Thank you, very nice!
Short stories :yes: That's a good start š Just write and don't think of a title just yet