Technical Stuffs

Install Nginx, PHP-FPM & MySQL in Centos

Warning: This shell script will remove your previous Apache installation.
Update June, 25 2014:
The following script works on CentOS 5 very well. If you’re using CentOS 6, go to this page instead:

After reading a tutorial of how to install Nginx, PHP and MySQL in a difficult way, now I would like to tell ya how to install them in a very easy way.

I found this method was very effective and completed just within few minutes in my Centos VPS.

  1. Download  this shell script to your VPS
    [root@power ~]# wget
  2. Run that bash script
    [root@power ~]# bash

    then wait..

  3. Voila! Nginx, PHP-FPM and MySQL are installed at glance!

Not only that, this shell script also installed a tool to create virtual host in Nginx named setup-vhost.

When I made virtual host for this blog, I just need to run this command:

[root@power ~]# setup-vhost

Then I uploaded all my files at /var/www/ and configure database connection etc.

Thanks to you guys at, installing this stack never been easier than this!


  1. its woooooooork maaaaaaz, tq 😀

  2. Did it!! thanks a lot!! 🙂

  3. Sid

    Worked fine.

  4. Do it include any ftp server?

  5. I just test it using Centos 6 and failed to work. So I reinstall my VPS using Centos 5.

  6. Ashique Zakariyya

    i found a working script from this blog, found great, worked for me, i share it to everybody

  7. nass

    i found a great article while googling , I recommend the article to everybody

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