
Vox is closing

I registered on Vox.com service at Aug 15th, 2006; four years ago. It was a nice blogging platform, members are not allowed to modify its theme but they can choose any cool theme designs that Vox provide. Here is screenshot of my blog located at https://sandal.vox.com :

But the service is nearly over, Vox is going to close its service on September 30, 2010. I don't know what the reason is. Perhaps the cost for server maintenance is pretty high while the financial benefit is less. Just my thought tough.

Right now if we open Vox homepage, we will see some tutorials of how to migrate blog posts on Vox into another platforms, TypePad and WordPress.

To be honest, my last article on Vox.com was on Jan 31, 2008. Two years ago.

It's because the access to my Vox blog is quite heavy, and I found My Opera is a lot better :up: Now I wonder if I could migrate my blog posts at Vox.com into My Opera account.

1 Comment

  1. myagu

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