Now I'm sitting on a chair at the corner side of Djendelo Kafe, enjoying my black coffee and melted ice cream. It's a very nice play to do my job though. I can order a few menu and stay here as long as I wanted :yes:
Can you imagine, my coffe only cost US$ 0.5 and so is my ice cream. And I've been here since 4 hours ago, enjoying the free WiFi internet connection.
Can you find any place like this near your location? US$ 1 for a cup of coffee, ice cream and unlimited internet access. That's why I love Jogja, Indonesia! :yes:
Have a great weekend everybody :cheers:
that's why i love this country too:-) dirgahayu mas sandal he he
Anonymous writes:yen ditakoni ono opo ora yo mesthine ing setiap kutha (gedhe) yo mesthi ana. Nanging, yen mung tuku kopi ireng lan es (total IDR 10.000), tapine nggawa leptop lan ngedongkrok kanthi papat jam, wah, isa diomeli karo pelayane, "mung tuku sepuluh ewu internetan papat jam.." 🙂
Jadi pengen kopi sama internet gratisnya…
mas sandal, kmarin bru bka tmpat 'warung makan' mur-mer plus free wifi dket tmpatku. 30rb b2 ma pcar 4 jam surfing.. MANTAP.
Wah mantab tuh, nongkrong 4 jam cuma habis 30 rebu, berdua pula 😀