
How To Use OneWayMail.com Email Service

OneWayMail.com is a free disposable email service. Differ with others, their service is only for receiving mails. Thus we can not send any email from OneWayMail.com.
So what is the benefit of this weird email service?

Imagine one day you need a driver for your printer and found it somewhere on a website. But the website ask you to write down your email address before you can get the download link. With OneWayMail.com, you can write any email address, like: solomon@onewaymail.com, and you press submit.

Then you can open OneWayMail.com, enter "solomon" on the Check Inbox form, and press Go. You will then see an email with a download link from a website you just found.

Interesting, isn't it?

1 Comment

  1. theungu59

    Created 16 February 2010By Nokia 6300 Camera :star: saya sudah mencobanya seperti yg ibu/bpk tulis diblog ini, bagus jugaapa bedanya antara sandalian dg yeni setiawan?

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