
Fake Victorinox Knife

Since I was a young boy I always interested with knife. And one of my dream was having a Victorinox knife.

Today I was walking on a local outdoor equipment store and saw a nice Victorinox swiss army knife with fluoresence grip. The price was a little bit cheap but still expensive for me. Then I bought it without any further consideration.

Fake Victorinox

At home, I was wondering the logo stamped on the knife. It's too ugly for a victorinox knife, so I did a little research over the internet. The model number was 3.4603.808 and all search results are pointed into China's websites. Yes, I think it's a fake swiss army knife :doh:


  1. chiw

    Since I was a young boy I always interested with knife. And one of my dream was having a Victorinox knife.

    well… so do i (but im a girl, of course), i always interested with knife. And now, i thinks its enough for me having a Leatherman ti Charge knife, as a b'day gift of a psycho:yes: thankz mr.Psycho…ps. kamu ndak pingin ngado aku piso taaah?:love:

  2. sandalian

    Pengen piso dapur yang macam mana say? :chef:

  3. toridei

    mas, nek ngertiku sing asline ora karaten.. jadi kalo mo tes dkenain air garam di pangkal pisau. dan d pisau utama ada grafir halus 'victorinox swiss made'. mudah2an membntu :yes:

  4. sandalian

    Secara fisik ini mirip asli Mas, sampe grafir itu juga ada.Yang membedakan adalah seri ini tidak ada tercantum di web-nya Victorinox πŸ˜€

  5. toridei

    well there's a saying if it looks like a chicken, smell like a chicken, felt like a chicken, taste like a chicken, then it's probably is a CHICKEN πŸ˜€

  6. sandalian

    *lempar erikucing pake victorinox palesu*

  7. Erickucing

    aku juga ngiler mode ON ama victorinox…gene aja bro kalo ngecek keasliannya..coba U taruh pisau itu di depan rumah elu malem malem, trus cek aja besok paginya, jika pisau elu masih ada berarti pisau elu palsu, tapi jika udah ilang, berarti victorinox lu asli n yang ngambil gue..kaburrrrrr

  8. Erickucing

    gue menghindar n gue ambil victorinoxnya trus gw bawa pulang …

  9. sandalian

    *lempar pake balisong*

  10. Erickucing

    balisongnya gue ambil juga…" balisong " apa tuh????

  11. risis1977

    Cool, bravo for you, bytheway, thanks for added me, see you there..

  12. olenk

    Good Stuff.. Like an army style, Don't hurt anyone oke !

  13. Erickucing

    jadi beli aitor jungle king gak om?
    kalo U punya, gue juga pengin tuh..sahring bareng ya

  14. sandalian

    Ga jadi beli Aitor Jungle om, tertarik pengen bikin custom made knife πŸ˜€

  15. Erickucing

    ouwg..mo bikin dari handmade banyuwangi ya

  16. toridei

    mas sandal kebetulan tuh sing duwe Bali Blades kui kancaku…jenenge mas Bobbu rozano…nih sitenya http://www.balibladeknives.com
    check it out…key.

    mas nanya donk..kalo mau masukin gambar di comment box orang lain gmana yah? need some enlightment nih πŸ’‘

  17. sandalian

    Coba pake < IMG SRC="http://alamat.com/gambar.jpg" > bisa gak Mas?

  18. toridei

    mas, keren ga pisaunya? ada lho yg pisau brbentuk kepala ikat pnggang..he he..kalo gambrnya dri file kmpter gmana mas? d save d folder opera ya?

  19. anonymous

    Anonymous writes:blas mogigopmng hartwre jbuiguh jkbiohoi kln

  20. anonymous

    Vkn writes:balisong = butterfly knife…Iya, itu fake … nggak ada model victorinox seperti itu.

  21. Dan

    Pisau? Hmm apakah ini sebuah artikel?

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