I was moving wordpress installation from one server into another. I copy the files, import database and modify configuration file (wp-config.php) and trying to access the page. But I only get following message:
Your hosting does not support this feature.
I logged into my shell account, checked permission files and found that some files have wrong user permission. So I just change user permission using command chown -R myuser:mygroups *
I refresh the page, and the world become so beautiful tonight.
Anatoly Batuaji
hallo… saya minta nomor telephonenya dong… website forum smunsa-purgan.web.id bisa saya minta passwordnya sehingga bisa saya pindahkan ke http://forum.smansapurwodadi.sch.id
hosting anda meminta persetujuan anda untuk bisa memindahkan ke domain kami. atau barusan ada tagihan di email anda [email protected]
tolong kirim ke saya beserta login dari hosting tersebut. jabatan anda tetap sebagai penglola forum smansapurwodadi.sch.id dan saya berikan password cpanel baru ke anda. terima kasih
My computer detected my iPhone, but the iTunes running on the computer did not. How do I get my music on the iPhone.
unlock iphone 3g
tinggal chown -R apache:apache pasti jalan (kalo httpd user dan group nya apache)