
“Pixel” Image Editor

So far I’m looking for a good image editor for Linux. Yes, there is GIMP, but it’s not so much alike Adobe Photoshop. And need a big change for my brain to get used with it.

Then I found Pixel, an image editor that so much alike Adobe Photoshop. At first glance, it’s very familiar for Photoshop user. I haven’t installed it yet, perhaps tonight. But I hope it’s as easy as Photoshop.

But it’s not a free software, we’ll need to purchase it for US$ 38. So I choose trial version. The limitation is nag screen and watermark on the final result. But I think it’s enough to try how robust this application is. I’ll give the report as soon as I tried this Pixel 😉

Meanwhile, you can download it too:


  1. aku gak mudeng photoshop, mudenge sop buntut (huenak tenan), ora mudeng linux , mudengi mungb inul, gak mudeng pixel, mudenge mung pecel.
    hambuh piye nasibku 🙁

    tapi guambare huapik ancene.

  2. bole juga neh… kalo untuk vektor under linux ada gak?

  3. wuih, lama gak berkunjung ke sini… piye kabare mas?

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