
While the other “Just a Browser”

While the other just a browser, Opera is a lot of things. :yes:

Opera is a:

  • Web Browser
  • Email Client
  • RSS Reader
  • Download Manager
  • File Explorer
  • IRC Client
  • News Reader
  • Torrent Client

Did I miss a thing?

I still wonder why people still love to use "just a browser"!
What the hell is wrong with them? :doh:


  1. anonymous

    funkshit writes:

    yeaa… i got some problem with that "just a browser"viva opera .. .eh, how to put my url blog ??

  2. E. Driver

    You missed the widgets! 😉 I love them …See youElmar

  3. anonymous

    KaiToU writes:

    Om, dibayar berapa seh, sama Opera?dimana mana promo opera trus, hihi ;P

  4. philry4n

    pssst check pm 😉

  5. sevillana

    Opera is also notes "maker"!!!!

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