
Use Google to see a country’s common face

This is a little trick to show a country's common face. I got this trick from this blog and tried it, very exciting. Here is how to do the trick:

To see Indonesian's common face, type following URL into your address bar: https://images.google.com/images?imgtype=face&q=site:id

To see other country's faces simply change id value above with other country code. For example:
https://images.google.com/images?imgtype=face&q=site:fi (Finland, or Finish? )
https://images.google.com/images?imgtype=face&q=site:de (Germany)
https://images.google.com/images?imgtype=face&q=site:jp (Japanese)
https://images.google.com/images?imgtype=face&q=site:fr (France)

But I wonder how to display faces of Klingon people :whistle:


  1. chiw

    kok ada yang berseragam peramuka Hun?

  2. sandalian

    Iyo, jangan-jangan kamu kenal?

  3. franceczech

    how ab0ut philippines?

  4. sandalian

    Phlipine's domain is .ph, so you can view the faces at http://images.google.com/images?imgtype=face&q=site:ph

  5. anonymous

    regina san martin contreras writes:necesito foto

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