Uncategorized Return to Ninja 16bit theme Posted by Yeni Setiawan on 21/01/2008 12 Comments Read Next → Uncategorized Build a growing light Uncategorized A New Hobby, Flashlight Uncategorized The Third Finally, I switch back to this ninja 16bit theme!I love this theme, vintage and… 16bit! 😆 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) personal Yeni Setiawan Menulis di sini sejak 2006 meskipun pada kenyataannya lebih sering update WordPress daripada update konten.Suka ngoprek namun lebih suka tidur-tiduran. Read Next → Uncategorized Build a growing light Uncategorized A New Hobby, Flashlight Uncategorized The Third
starboard writes:Ninja? Kamen Ninja Rider 😀
u're tall enaf for me, dear…
😀 play basketball!
I think you're tall enough…
Eat more)

You would have to get a different mum and dad I guess :p Search for Islandic Viking dad on E-bay. Maybe you are lucky 😀
– ØØ –
Ha.ha. very briliant idea! 😆
sufehmi writes:
Some of my relatives used the hormon therapy. Basically the doctor injected them with growth hormon in certain intervals.
It works, because their growth rate clearly increased.
However, if I'm not mistaken, this will only give results when done early. I think around 10 – 15 years old.
It won't work after that.
Anyway, hope someone find it useful
sufehmi writes:
Sorry for the duplicate comments – I kept on getting Error 502 from my.opera.com, and I thought my comment failed to be saved.
sufehmi writes:
Some of my relatives used the hormon therapy. Basically the doctor injected them with growth hormon in certain intervals.
It works, because their growth rate clearly increased.
However, if I'm not mistaken, this will only give results when done early. I think around 10 – 15 years old.
It won't work after that.
Anyway, hope someone find it useful
@Mr. Sufehmi
Ni problem, I'm happy to get many comments 😀
Anonymous writes: