She is Prita Mulyasari, a mother of 3 years old kid and 15 months baby. One day she wrote an email to a mailing list, telling that she was unpleased with the service of Omni International Hospital at Alam Sutera, Tangerang (Indonesia). Later, her email spread to other mailing lists.
As a response, the hospital sued her to a court and they win, sent this mother into a prison. Leaving her kids, whom the youngest one is still in need of her cares. Since she was in the jail, she couldn't breastfeed her baby now.
Why in this earth there is such a dumb hospital who can't hear their ex-patient complaint? Shame on them. :down:
Customers have their right to tell the other if they don't like your services. And you should take a look at your pants to see what is wrong, not to kick your (ex)customer with your power.
ihhh… gak bangttt deeeeehh
meong writes:free prita. boycott omni.freedom of speech, freedom to speak our mind.stand up for consumer's right
Yap..omni,don't be cruel..I think this case just an example,how's weak position consumen in indonesia,How they're not protected..To whom they should complain when they're acted unfair? Stand the justice up..
OMG. Shame on OMNI!!! Shame on the Justice System!!!! Imprisonment just because of making complaints is just too harsh