A band of bloggers who used to spend their friday night at Hotel Indonesia circle (Bunderan HI) is running a humanity program called Bloggers For Bangsari. The aim of the program is to collect donation from everywhere, where the raised fund is going to be used to buy goats.
The goats will be donated to schoolchildren who have problem with their school tuition, which is a common problem in a village named Bantarsari (known as Bangsari) in Cilacap, Central Jawa, Indonesia.
Each of the students will be given an adult female goat, where they have to take care of it until the goat give a birth to their babies. After the baby goat grew up and multiplied, the first female goat will be returned to the comitee so they can hand it to another child while the breed is belong to the donee so he/she can sell it for her/his school tuition.
This is how the program helps the children. Goats as donation is great, because it will be multiplied. Any of you interested with in program?
Here are some photos of the children. You may thought that building behind the children is the hutch. You're wrong, it's their house.
The motorcycle above is belong to one who took photograph.
And here are pictures of childrens taking care their goats.
balibul writes:matur nuwun mas yeni…Doakan Smoga adek2 di bangsari tetepa sekolah dan kami amanah mengorganisir program ini.
mPit writes:nice one. not bad for a beginner. if you don't mind my question, may i know who edit it for you?bwihihihi…again, thanx a lot for spreading the news. they need this. *hugs*
~ Swan writes:
Hello,I originally came to your site for the YouTube downloader, however now I've become even more interested about these children from Bangsari and the goat initiative. I would love to help these children get a wider audience and a better education.However, I'm wondering how to tie this in with a local blogger's party here in Oregon. To prove that I'll not be raising money just for myself, I'd need further materials, such as:Advertising pamphlets; mission statement; proof of where the money will be spent;With regard to money, if I may suggest – why don't you open a PayPal account, then I can simply reference your PayPal details for anyone to pay you direct, without ever going through me at all.Am I able to use your photographs of the children? Of course, I'll still reference you as the copyright holder.On my web site, I'm creating a list of charities that I do support. I create a web page for each one and link it from my main web site. If this doesn't suit you, please let me know.You can view my "SickKids Foundation" page here:http://premreviews-add.blogspot.com/2007/11/premier-software-reviews-supports-sick.htmlYou can contact me at: [email protected]