Technical Stuffs

Shell Script: Opera Auto Backup

I’m using Opera 9.5 on my machine with Zenwalk Linux for the operating system. Sometimes an error is occuring on Zenwalk when I compiling source code etc and I have to force shutdown my machine. If it happens when Opera is performing connection to mail server or checking for RSS updates, big chance that there will be a crash and destroy all my mail account and RSS feeds.

So I wrote a simple shell script to perform backup Opera’s files everytime I start my machine. I save this file as

FILE=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`
tar cfzP $TARGET/$FILE.tgz $SOURCE;

Then I add this shell script into Autostarted Applications (XFCE Menu – Settings – Autostarted Applications) so everytime I start my machine it will backup my Opera files. Whenever Opera crashes again, I can simply restore it from backup.

And by the way, Opera has released Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta, currently for Windows Mobile version.

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