Technical Stuffs

Does Yahoo’s Forget Password feature work out?

I got a help request from a friend of mine to get back her Yahoo! password that was changed by unknown person. So I asked her any informations she provided when registering Yahoo! account.

I tried using Forget Password feature. I entered all data that Yahoo! need to get back the password. But none the result. So I decided to do an experiment. I create a new Yahoo! account for testing purpose.

I write down on a paper all data I entered when registering new Yahoo! account. Then I tried Forget Password feature and it all end with the same error! See above image, that’s the error message I always get.

Now I have 2 (two) sweet questions for Yahoo!

  1. Does Yahoo!’s Forget Password feature work perfectly?
  2. Does the image verification case sensitive or insensitive?

Anybody who read this blog ever succeeded to retrieve back your Yahoo! password?


  1. hora tau berhasil ko biyen jeng, akhire gonta ganti id, aku ko tahun 1998, id yahoo ku okeh.. akhire aku putuske password ku cuman satu untuk semua..

    wis gak tau ganti id meneh akhire , kebangeten tenan.. xixiixix…

  2. akun yahoo sekarang kan cuma butuh tanggal lahir sama kode pos untuk forgot passwordnya. Makanya jangan sampe ngisi tanggal lahir kamu disitus manapun. Tapi lom nyoba sih apakah berfungsi atau tidak.

  3. anakcupu

    wah sama nih mbak ma kasus saya…
    tapi saya sih emg lupa data2 yg saya masukin.
    saya sih ga lupa password, cuma pas mau ganti password, koneksinya rada2 error. Password baru ga bs, yg lama jg ga bisa. Ilang deh email kesayangan gw.

  4. makanya jeng, password tuh dicatet, trus ditaruh tempelin di monitor.( 2 hari kemudian pasti ente bikin account baru lagi.. hihi)

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