Technical Stuffs

Desktop Blog Editor Failed to Post Article on WordPress 2.7

If you’re writing article for your blog using desktop blog editor –such as ecto, Qumana, Performancing for Firefox, Flock blog editor, Zoundry, ScribeFire, w.bloggar or aything else — there is a big chance that you are experiencing problem when your wordpress engine is upgraded to 2.7.

Error message may vary, but you will see something like:
XML-RPC services are disabled on this blog. An admin user can enable them at

To fix this problem is very easy. Just login to your wp-admin and go to options-writing.php page. Look at the Remote Publishing part, now give checkmark on the Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.

Now you can write article using your favourite desktop blog editor again.

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