Technical Stuffs

Error 404 on Drupal Admin Section

My Drupal installation was fine until I uploaded it into my web hosting. It always returned error 404 page (not found) every time I clicked on any admin section (i.e,, etc).

I have tried bypassing clean URLs by using, renamed .htaccess file and so on. But all of my efforts still bring me the same error page.


After many minutes, I figured out that the problem was caused by the update module that always loaded every time I open admin section. Thus I decided to disable this module.

Just open PHPMyAdmin, click my database and run this query:

update system set status=0 where name='update'

And…… it works! All my admin sections are now working fine with this little trick.

1 Comment

  1. walah..kok dadi basa Linggis blogmu ndal? iki lak blogmu sing lawas to?

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