Living as a programmer can be a nightmare for me when I’m in a rush to deadline and I got crappy HTML file with so many useless code such as tons of
tags that he (designer) use to “draw” the layout. And such designer I call them stupid designers!
Programmers living inside the code, so please give me neat and clean code so I can finish my job a lot faster. And you, as you have decided to live as a web designer, LEARN how to “draw” proper HTML!! Get inside the code, NOT only in WYSIWYG mode!!
Thanks God it not happen in my office where I work. The designer‘s jobs are neat and clean. I like it.. I like it..
If you’re having the same problem, let’s spread the chain and say NO to supid designers!
NOT only in WYWIWYG mode!!
WYWIWYG = What You Want Is What You Get ?
Sound Silly. :))
Yups, so many lazzy designer out there to check their HTML code and re-check again to fit what HTML validation and help programmers easily aply their jobs. But dont be prustated brother, keep patience and tell to your designer partner to clean their code to make effective and efficient what we call jobs..
Aryo Sanjaya
Hehehe, ndek sini ga nyampe segitunya. Lha Designer dan Programmer ya orang yang sama ;))
Yaiks…di tempat gw malah ada designer yg gak bisa bikin struktur table dengan baik, sakit ati kerja ma orang begituan, kalo kebagian template buatan dia bisa lembur gara2 benerin html doang.
* ternyata nasib kita banyak kesamaannya jeng (kecuali tentang ependi)*
ah, WYSIWIG is de bes. udah ada yg gampang kok dibikin susah…
yes, WYSIWYG = is the best, kalo gak, ngapaen ada GUI, hehehehe…
Weo XD.
Im a stupid designer but… yeah i a stupid designer XD.
yaaaaah…team lah…desainer jangan buta2 ama ama code yang dibutuin programmer…kasian programmernya klo codenya brantakan…dia juga ngrapiin desain juga dong….????
go to hell fuckin BOSS who asking the job to be finished faster!! ass hole, boss!!
ternyata bukan cuma saya yg kesel sama “wysiwyg designer”…. ๐
wyiwyg designer sih gapapa, santai aja dengan “draw” nya,, programmer yang mampus pas mau ngisi script.. :lol