Started from strange topic in, I write down this tiny script to reverse and un-reverse the text written there.
If you type kamen rider, it will return nemak redir. Sound cool right?
< ?php // save it as reverse.php foreach($argv as $arg){ if($arg == $argv[0]) continue; echo strrev($arg)." "; } ?>
Now let’s give it a try:
C:php4>php reverse.php reverse this words with thy power!!!! Content-type: text/html X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.11 esrever siht sdrow htiw yht !!!!rewop
Hi..hi.. ridiculous?
Kiyat Yuni Saptoko
vokoke keyen lah jeng yeni..
kreatip neper end 😀
tuing tuing
hehe.. programmer sedeng..!! jadi ikut2an neh aku nya.
*jeng, ini beneran gravatarized? kayaknya kemaren ga muncul deh*
tpript ngis ‘udagda’ ngan ndi Ney?
(sisan ngelus-ngelus…)