

Opera Dragonfly

Saya juga nggak tau ini apaan, tapi ada bocoran dari Opera Watch:

I won’t say quite yet, but I do think that, in my opinion, it is the most important project we have on going at the moment, and probably since I’ve been at the company. It won’t directly affect everybody, but will hopefully become invaluable for those that it does.

Maka ijinkan saya berprasangka bahwa ini adalah semacam tool untuk debugging HTML/CSS/Javascript yang menyerupai firebug atau mungkin lebih yahud lagi. Mari kita tunggu sang capung beraksi.


  1. mari menunggu sodara

  2. *nyiapin popcorn sama softdrink buat nunggu sang capuk beraksi*

  3. […] I won’t say quite yet, but I do think that, in my opinion, it is the most important project we have on going at the moment, and probably since I’ve been at the company. It won’t directly affect everybody, but will hopefully become invaluable for those that it does. […]

    * ambil kamus *

  4. *gelar iker*

  5. perasaan, dulu pernah liat iklan/wallpaper Opera, pake capung… dah lama sih, 2004/2005 gitu…

  6. opo yo ndal?

    capunge libas nganggo sandal wae..!

  7. nah kalo bener macem firebug, maka ada kemungkinan menggunakan opera sebagai primary browser sekarang, yay!

  8. tetep FF + FB

    * sembunyi *

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