
Reinvent The Web?

Opera, reinvent the web

15 years of browser innovation.
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), we will reinvent the Web.

Kira-kira apalagi yang akan dibuat Opera? Mari kita tunggu 😀


  1. eko

    acara Opera selanjutnya sepertinya adalah Makan-Makan, gimana Jeng Yeni…??? setuju.!!

  2. salam kenal 🙂
    saya akan tunggu apa yang dibuat opera…..

  3. adipati kademangan

    ditunggu acara peluncurannya (pasti ada makan-makannya 😀 )

  4. hm

    they just put kind web server into web browser.
    as commercial browser developer, i think they should focus on their widget host. ya push notification apps is needed but is wrong way to make it as web server (pointless)

  5. lha? terus jadinya apa yang dibikin opera???

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