Auto Retweet Bot for Twitter

This simple tutorial will show you how to create a simple (ro)bot that will re-tweet (RT) any particular tweets related to your search results in Twitter. In this example, my bot will re-tweet any tweet that contain “wahihi” word, so I name it Kingdom of Wahihi.

Before we start, we need following requirements:

  • Twitter accountYes, the bot needs its username and password.
  • PHP interpreterYou can put this script in your own machine or any web hosting services that supports PHP.
  • Cron JobCron is an application to execute a job (application/program) in schedule. Available on mostly any web hosting services.

As replacement for Cron Job, you can manually execute the script by visiting the page (open the script using web browser).

Step one, create the bot. I’ts a PHP script, if you’re an alien and never heard of this programming language before, I recommend you to skip this page and visit my other stories shown in the sidebar.

Let’s start with declaration of username and password of your Twitter account:

$user = 'kingdomofwahihi';
$pass = 'password';

Then grab the keyword:

$search = "";
$xml_source = file_get_contents($search);
$x = simplexml_load_string($xml_source);

Above script will fetch search results of “wahihi” from Twitter’s search. The output from Twitter is in Atom (XML) format, so it’s easier for us to read the data usingย simplexml_load_string() function.

Next, extract the data and retweet them:

foreach($x->entry as $item){
   // part one
   $author_name = $item->author->name;
   list($name, $mbuh) = explode (" ",$author_name);
   $author = trim($name);
   $msg = 'RT @'.$author. ': ' .$item->title;

   // part two
   $out = "POST HTTP/1.1rn"
   ."Host: twitter.comrn"
   ."Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode ($user.':'.$pass)."rn"
   ."Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn"
   ."Content-length: ".strlen ("status=$msg")."rn"
   ."Connection: Closernrn"

   // part three
   $fp = fsockopen ('', 80);
   fwrite ($fp, $out);
   fclose ($fp);

I divide above lines of code into three parts because they have different task. Part one, the bot will grab author’s name/username and what he/she tweeted then join them into one variable. And add a RT sign as a re-tweet mark.

Part two, we are preparing the variable that we will sent to Twitter’s server, it contains raw HTTP header. I know this bot is gross, but is robust ๐Ÿ˜›

Part three, open socket to Twitter’s server on port 80 then send the raw HTTP header we have prepared on part two. Now check Twitter to see if your bot is successful.

Leave any comment if you have any questions, but question about how to execute the script won’t be answered :p

Update, September 3rd:
This script is no longer working since Twitter changed its authentication method. You can try this script with OAuth authentication, written by Nazieb.


  1. lokesh

    Undo option don’t show when i retweet using the above script.

  2. hi! one question, why would anyone want to apply this?
    oh nevermind, you’re just spreading knowledge. I should just ask people who already applied it somewhere.

  3. Comment by post author

    Somebody might find this script useful when they love to re-tweet any tweets that related to their interests.

  4. Yeah yeah that is just make sense!
    Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. hey there!
    i use your post (this post) as a reference to my blogpost
    just want to notify you. . .
    thx ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Comment by post author

    no problem mas, my pleasure. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. wkwkw.. nice job!!! aku udah coba dan jalan haaha..

    btw command buat cron apa ya? huhu.. gak tau nih cara make cron.. ๐Ÿ™

    bales di sini or via twitter juga oke ๐Ÿ˜›

  8. walah dari sini ternyata, bot sebangsa markum

    have fun!

  9. antobilang

    rekues kingdomofngalkamdulillah!

  10. Comment by post author

    jeneng bot’e kepanjangan kuwi kang :p

  11. katanya akhir bulan ini udah ga bisa pake “Authorization: Basic “.base64_encode” ya ndal?

    trus kalo untuk variasi RTnya si bot piye?

  12. Comment by post author

    I have updated the post, please read the last paragraph.

  13. Sastro

    Bro, bikin dong versi baru yang pake Oauth

  14. to bad … now old api has deprecated, u need to update with last Oauth ..



  16. Comment by post author

    Dear moron, why didn’t you read entire post first? :p

  17. Weh, dah gak fungsi toh

  18. You?re on top of the game. Thanks for sarhing.

  19. worth reading – twitter bots are cool

  20. wah udah gak jalan toh…
    hiks.. hiks… hiks…

    nice share..

    *googling lagi…

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