Today, I lost forget a password that I stored in my local database (MySQL). The password was hashed using MD5 so I can’t read it using PHPMyAdmin. So, I decided to create new hash using MD5 too. I use this script to do same thing since few months ago:
< ?php
// usage: php.exe md5.php password
echo md5($argv[1]);
c:php4>php.exe md5 p455w0rd
Content-type: text/html
My friend saw me doing this and laughing for a while. Then he said that PHPMyAdmin has a tool to auto generate md5 password:
What a DH&AYD&*A ^o^
oh kakak pertama, sepertinya kita memang senasib.. kesian banget dah 🙁
Arief Fajar Nursyamsu
When I lost my md5 hashed password, I went to my FreeBSD shell and type:
md5 -s newPassword
was your password p455w0rd perchance?