
E, unique text editor for Windows

E text editor

Yep, the name is E. Complete name is E Text Editor. As said on its official website:

E is a new text editor for Windows, with powerful editing features and quite a few unique abilities. It makes manipulating text fast and easy, and lets you focus on your writing by automating all the manual work. You can extend it in any language, and by supporting TextMate bundles, it allows you to tap into a huge and active community.

And I said yes, E is a unique text editor I’ve never tried before.

I downloaded E 20 days ago and now remaining 10 days to use the evaluation version. I found some rare features on E, among other things are cool undo history. After I close a file, and open it again, the undo history will remain there. So I can press Ctrl+Z as many as possible.

Other feature I like is web preview, I can write the code and watch the HTML rendered lively. Also code split (like in Scite), cool search highlight and many more.

I suggest you to download the trial version of E Text Editor and try it for a month. Then you will see US$ 35 is worth to spend to get this different text editor.


  1. fwo

    Nih salah satu intuitif text editor yang pengen banget sayah punya full versi nya. Tapi gimana beli lisensinya? wong cc-nya juga ga punya 🙁

    Dibanding Zend Studio, Komodo IDE dan Studio serta IDE lainnya. Sayah lebih memilih ini, karena “lite” namun kaya dengan fitur berguna dan powerfull yang ga ditawarin text editor kebanyakan.

    Ada dua lagi text editor yag jadi buruan sayah yaitu Intype dan TextMate. E, Intype dan TextMate, ketiganya hampir mirip, jadi ga usah pake ketiga-tiganya, kecuali kalo punya pohon duit 😀

    Lite lite lite, hidup lite!

  2. Ga asik ah, code hint-nya ga langsung kluar (hrs ctrl + shift dulu). Kalo sekarang gw lg suka Aptana. Oke banget buat front-end developer kyk gue. Btw, udah pernah cobain Coda blom? cuma buat Mac sih, tp fitur-fiturnya juga mantebh.

  3. Coda yang tadi yo kang? Ga punya mek!!
    Aptana? Dah donlot tp males pake

  4. Kok… aneh sih ga bisa mengcopy kenapa ya….

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